



Blood donation


On the morning of May 2, the comrades of the Optoelectronic Party Branch collectively went to the first floor of the International Trade Center to participate in voluntary blood donation activities. A total of 9 people from the optoelectronic branch party comrades signed up, successfully donated 7 people, and donated 1600 ml of blood. Filling in the form, physical examination, testing, waiting, rest, all the processes are carried out in an orderly manner with the active cooperation of the party members. Every colleague is filled with the enthusiasm of dedication.

Unpaid blood donation, blood is more intense, and in the spirit of mutual help, to save the people who need blood transfusion, the noble cause of giving their blood is also the only safe source of blood. Donation can regenerate blood and save lives. As a party member, it should play a vanguard and exemplary role, embody the value of party members, practice the important content of the "two studies and one doing" education activities, actively mobilize party members and cadres to take the lead in donating blood, and take practical actions. Social responsibility, dedication to the people, serving the people.

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